Around the dark shrine rise demons and other various sorts of undead. However, as soon as they rise, demons from further outside the shrine area immediately attack them in a deafening roar of demonic fury. The guardsmen of the phalanx breathe sighs of relief as it seems that there are a few other worldly types fighting >for< them as well as against them. In the middle of the wedge, two old men begin a slow chanting, then stop. They hold their staves high, and from the heavens a white lightening like fire emerges with a hum and completely saturates the two old men and a moment later they seem to be walking pillars of white fire. Another moment passes, and the entire area is accented by the white glow; the guardsmen, the demons, the shrine, and the surrounding forest. A few of the guardsmen fall looking like they are completely devoid of all moisture, and others falter as they see this. One of the old men waves his arm, and immediately there is a white globe around the phalanx. Seconds later there is a large green explosion on the outer portions of the globe followed by another and anot her. In front of the wedge, as it makes it's way towards the shrine through a tide of demon-types, things begin crawling from the ground. Creatures long dead and not of this world roar to life as they spit out earth eons old. The creatures at first stay far from the globe of light aroudn the phalanx, but soon gain the courage to venture nearer, until they move right up to it. These creatures, basically humanoid, bear their sharp claws and seem to rip streaks in the fabric of the white dome of light, but the ligh immediately repairs itself. (this is happening amidst green explosions of evil on the outside of the dome) A group of soldiers march out of the protection of the dome, but are covered in white light none-the-less, and begin battling the creatures. Also from the group a few other figures emerge. The two old men, still bathed in light. Katirin the elven woman leaps into the fray wielding a glowing blue blade. A horn blast is heard, and Smith wanders out. He is not fat this time, however. He seems to be a very large man of pure muscle, not unlike a barbarian of the north. He wields a small blade and around his neck are six horns. Various mage types wander out to help form a circle around the shrine, and one screams as he seems to suddenly be sucked into the ground. Korak d'Avalon makes his way from the phalanx and covers himself with a blue light, in addition to the white of the two old men. In front of him the earth itself rises in the form of a ponderous beast. It makes it's way into the battle and begins pummeling demon types into bloody messes. From above, a beam of blue-white light streaks towards the shrine. As it touches the stone of the roof, the shrine glows black, and there is a green explosion, and nothing save a black scar marks the rock. Suddenly there is a scream of an eagle from high in the air, and a few moments later there is a thud and a large splotch of blood on the shrine roof. The blood drips down like spilled paint, and the strength of the horror emenating from the shrine increases. On the roof of the shrine a crumpled body fades into view. The body of the eagle rider, Anywan Thurifor. Many of the guards moan in grief at seeing this great man die in such a battle, and they grow more furious in their fighting because of it. Suddenly there are explosions of green surrounding the two figures in white, and one of them drops to his knee, but quickly stands back up, using his staff as support. The other looks at him quizzicaly, but nods as the other one makes a sign. From the shrine the dark elf, previously remaining for the most part unseen, stands and fires an arrow into the phalanx. The arrow whizes and imbeds itself in the collar of Lanoi's cloak. A look of anger crosses Lanoi's face, and he jumps out of the phalanx and draws his sword, a blade nearly nearly dripping a blue fire-like substance. He runs around various demon-types and challenges the dark elf. They begin battling amongst themselves, and are soon lost in the din of the rest of the battle. Suddenly, Kendrick's steed falls without it's head. A demon stops fighting for a moment to chew on the skull, but takes more time that he should have, because a moment later his own skull is flying as Kendrick neatly slices it off. He looks for Lanoi, but in vain, and falls back a bit, remembering all to well the day in the ruins where he nearly lost his life by wading into a sea of demons by himself. He drops back to his guard and the mercenaries, who have mostly stayed in the fight with only a few deserting, and yells encouragment to them as they continue the endless battle against the nasties crawling from the ground all around them. It seems that they may never even reach the shrine itself. From the distance a ball of fire arcs through the air and splatters against the shrine, covering it with an oily fire. The crumpled body of Anywan Thurifor is quickly consumed and one can barely make out that the blackened bits left were at one time human. A few more balls of fire fly, but soon stop. Later it would be found out that a huge boulder dropped out of the sky smashing a large catapult to bits and killing one of the operators. Katirin, the elven woman found in the deserted ruins, battles valiantly with a blade glowing blue. Next to her a couple guardsmen also battle, seemingly heartened by the elf. Suddenly her blade glows a harsh blue, as if in warning, but to no avail. Her body suddenly liquifies and explodes in a rain of liquified elf. Her sword drops to the ground, a dull gray color. It seems that there is nothing left of Katirin save a few shreds of leather clothing. Next to Kendrick, Ohara the Quick and Artur Sadhuk battle. Behind them lie the carasses of many demon types, all having died in various grisly ways. As Artur, dressed in full sheening plate, buries his sword in a demon's chest, it seems to become stuck in demonic ribs. The demon, obviouysly not a normal humanoid, laughs as Artur attempts to pull the blade free. Suddenly dodging, Artur rolls to the side as the demon's large taloned claw covered hand cuts the air where he once stood. From a small ways away, Reuben Eisenstein hurls a large fireball at the demon, and succeeds in angering it greatly. The demon looks at it's chest and notices the sword sticking out, and grabs the hilt. In one swift bloody motion yanks the sword from his body and proceeds to swing it in an enraged manner. From a distance, Maelcon Swiftkill lines an arrow, seeing Artur's unfortunate plight, and lets fly the white shaft with fletching of white fire. It strikes the demon squarely in the throat, and in a flash of white light, most of the demon disappears. Bits of it fly about and stick to unwary battlers, but that's the way it goes. Artur retrieves his sword, and after wiping demon guts off the hilt, begins battling anew. Hornmaster Smith emerges from the tight group of fighters with a horn in his hand. His eyes glow gleefully as he runs towards the shrine. Kendrick yells something to him, but it is lost in the din of the battle. As he nears the shrine he blows a copper horn with many loops, and a from the sky bolts of lightening begin striking the shrine area. He puts another horn to his mouth and begins to blow it, and as he does so a green ball from the shrine envelopes him and his horns explode into very small bits. Unfortunately for Smith, the horns were very close to his body, so along with the horns, much of his body was obliterated. He falls to the ground in a bloody pile of fat and entrails. A moment later a wolf-like creature is there, sniffing and searching through the bits. Finding nothing of interest, the lupine form charges into the midst of a group of demons in the process of pulling the appendages from a helpless guardsman. It then proceeds to rip the throats from the demons, and amidst various sprays of demon blood and ichor, saves the guardsman from a grisly death (he had only one arm pulled off, so he was not quite dead, you see) and draggs him back to the healers on the outside of the fray. Various magic users toss glowing spheres to and fro, with various pieces of demon bits flying from other various demons as a result of this magic tossing. The din of the battle rages on with the non-stop explosions of green against white mixed with the unholy roar of screaming men and demons. ************** .............. ************** Inside the shrine it is a bit different. Berujomii stands with his feet apart and his hands outstretched in a grasping like motion. Every few moments he winces as something small penetrates his barriers. Near him is Unholy Avenger, waiting for the moment to combat a foe. Standing dejectedly in a corner is Zefran, looking like he'd rather be anywhere but there. Suddenly, from the cieling of the shrine, a bolt of white fire shoots, surrounding berujomii. He screams and his hands glow green as he combats this menace. A moment later there is another flash and Radius Maricav is there, with a great hand-axe being wielded. He sees that berujomii is busy, and feeling like he'd rather do something else besides needlessly end his life trying to kill off Berujomii, he turns towards Unholy Avenger with a wicked grin on his demon-like face. The two face each other for a moment. To humans, Unholy Avenger is a giant. To Radius Maricav, demon spawn, Unholy Avenger is but a dwarf. With a mighty sweep, Radius swings his axe in a motion to slice Unholy Avenger in two, but Unholy Avenger is not without skill. He deftly blocks the slice, and makes a cut to Radius' side, only meeting the blade of the axe, as it continues it's swing. Unholy Avenger hides his terror of the situation well, for the visage of Radius Maricav spells fear for anyone who looks strongly at it. Unholy attacks again and succeeds in slightly gashing Radius' arm. Neither of the fighters notice Berujomii bathed in green, and laughing. Sud denly, Unholy trips and falls into Radius and they tumble in a flashing mess. Berujomii shakes his head and bathes them with a green light, and they begin shriveling. They both begin screaming as no demon or man have ever screamed. Instants later, three large red skinned demons pop into existance and barrage Berujomii with a great force of demon fire, and Berujomii has everything he can do to protect himself. A moment later the three demons disappear, along with Radius Maricav and Zefran. It is, however, too late for Unholy Avenger, for he lies on the ground a shrunken heap of skin. Berujomii looks at his handywork, and slightly miffed that he missed killing Radius, shrugs at the sight of Unholy Avenger's mishapen remains. White light lances inside the shrine as it gets past Berujomii's barriers, seemingly startling the undead drow. He contemplates this series of events, and seems to decide upon his next action. Things are getting very hot inside the shrine for various mages and wizard types are hurling all their might at it. Berujomii begins a small chant, while keeping all his barriers in place, and a green spiral begins forming at his feet. In one of the entrances of the shrine, the dark elf and Lanoi suddenly fall into the area, Lanoi holding his blue blade, and dark elf wielding a dagger and a bow, and they fight near to where Berujomii concentrates. Suddenly the dark elf fighting Lanoi has his dagger at Lanoi's throat and forces Lanoi to conceed. Lanoi gets to his feet, sheething his blue sword, and moves, under point of dagger, towards Berujomii. Berujomii sees this and stops chanting, and begins smiling widely. Berujomii smiles even more broadly and says, "Kill him for me now, while I'm still in this plane to enjoy it." The dark elf moves away from Lanoi with an arrow knocked in his black bow, and points it towards Lanoi, who suddenly stiffens in the realization that this may be a very mortal time for realizing that arrows are nasty. Suddenly, from the other side of the shrine, another dark figure falls into view. A mage of some sort that got through the demons. He turns to look at Berjomii, and makes a small laugh. Berujomii slightly smiles, and looks at Lanoi and the dark elf again. "Quickly, fool, let loose your arrow!" Berujomii says impatiently. The dark elf looks at Berujomii and says, "Berujomii, I'll be quick to follow your order, but with the arrow pointed at you!!" With that, the dark elf lets the bolt fly into the form of Berujomii, who had started laughing as soon as the dark elf finished speaking. Berujomii stops laughing quickly, for the arrow imbeds itself in his body, which is interesting because his body is non-corporal, and glows a bright white. As Berujomii screams, the mage on the other side of the shrine lets his hood down and screams, "You think I'd let myself get killed by you, of all people?" Orion then throws a large white bolt of fire in Berujomii's direction, only to miss him and instead hit Lanoi's now outstretched sword. The sword drinks the bolt like a sponge, and in a swift arc, Lanoi cuts through the neck of Berujomii's glowing form. A scream as if a thousand souls and spirits sounds as the sword makes contact. Berujomii's scream is nearly as loud, but is only for a moment. As the form of Berujomii falls, it slowly fades from view, but the green spiral continues to grow in volume and strength, and a loud humming is he ard. Lanoi, Orion, and Phantom Whisper (the dark elf) dive out of the shrine just as soon as it is engulfed in the green spiral. The rock of the shrine begins falling into the middle of the raging green vortex, as do many of the nearby demons. A sudden explosion momentarily blinds everyone nearby, and when vision returns, there is nothing in the spot that the shrine once occupied save a black scorched mark in the earth with tendrils of black smoke drifting into the sky... ********************* As this was happening, outside the shrine green bolts of light began pouring at the two old men. One of the men suddenly noticed that a group of mercenaries were surrounded by a large group of multi-tentacled demons and shifted a large portion of his white power to the mercenaries, saving them from certain death. It was, however, too much, and one of the green bolts got through his protection and melted into his body, causing the old man to implode upon himself and drop to the ground as a blob of quivering red stuff. ************************* After the "destruction" of the shrine, the demons are routed and exterminated, and Kendrick rallies his men. The wounded are taken to the hospital, or whatever inn they feel they'd like to have a drink in, and the long process of healing bodies and minds alike begins.